What Matters?

There are many reasons for studying the internal arts. Two of the usual reasons involve training for: (1) martial proficiency and self-defense and (2) health and wellness. These two lines becomes streams become rivers become vast oceans. In the photo here, we see an example of the first approach. The American martial historian and practitioner, Robert W. Smith, is shown punching the rather formidable abdomen of the internal arts adept Wang Shu Jin.

It is a very impressive photo. But what are those who follow the “Health and Wellness” approach meant to think? Could even a reasonably fit Tai Chi person of the HW line take such a punch? Doubtful. Nor should they.

There is an old saying that goes something like this: “The Mountain does not think less of the River because it is lowly. The River does not think less of the Mountain because it cannot move.”

Or, as my father used to say, “It takes all kinds to make a world.”

The trick, so to speak, is to figure out what you are. Mountain or River? Rose or Redwood? Then, move forward accordingly.